What is Qi? Qi is an inductive power transmission standard that is mainly used for charging some recent cell phones wirelessly. Your phone is most probably Qi compatible if it is a new...
Category - Uncategorized
Servo tutorial (Part 2)
In this post we’re going to control an RC servo with an arduino the easiest, most stupid way possible. This example is for demonstration purposes only. It is very unlikely that you...
Servo tutorial (Part 1)
RC servo motors are probably the most popular actuators controlled by Arduinos. They come in many different sizes and shapes but for keeping it simple I’m going to write about a...
LED brightness setting with Arduino PWM
If you have ever tried to dim a white LED using a PWM signal you must have experienced that it is not as easy as it first seems. A 10% duty cycle will never result in a 10% brightness. The...
Hello world!
Well, hello everyone! This is going to be a blog about cheap DIY electronics.